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tygh 2023-09-28 15:29:562 ♡
I see the Commander doesn't list "state of the art space battleship" in the options at the end.
blackpaw 2023-09-29 08:01:461 ♡
Hmmmm... the AI is "Mother"? Shades of the computer from "Alien"
SF 2023-10-01 19:44:062 ♡
what does it mean by making everything natural as possible lol, is the computer manipulating situations so people fuck haha
Question 2024-01-17 16:30:410 ♡
Last comic called it "central control program" and here she says CPC, not CCP. She's referring to the same thing though right?
Admin 2024-01-26 08:20:220 ♡
Well you see, one of the first CPC's was developed by an international body where most of the member nations' languages used noun-adjective ordering instead of adject-noun. The full name was translated but the acronym stuck to the original ordering. Like how today we have the "international system" of units but we call them "SI units".